May 17, 2021

No More Separation — A New Mindset

Over time, the bond between the parent and child gives the child an inner sense of security, happiness and self-love. As a result, the child can go through life feeling safe, forming satisfying relationships, and succeeding in his or her goals. 

If a child suddenly loses a parent, either through death, abandonment, or a prolonged separation (like the trauma of separating a child from a parent and entering foster care), the child experiences intense fear, panic, grief (a combination of sadness and loss), depression, helplessness and hopelessness. The child has lost a lifeline, and often their sense of self. The world, and life, become disorganized and terrifying.  

BFFI in collaboration with LA County DCFS and Department of Public Health/Domestic Violence Council and Domestic Violence Agencies is about finding the best in our children and their families and creating conditions that build parent-child relationships, and environments that are safe, stable, nurturing, filled with love, without fear and the trauma of separation. 

If even one life feels safer, more loving, connected, and breaths easier because we have helped to engage and empower them, then we’ve accomplished our purpose in life and left the world with a pathway to quality of thinking, that promotes a quality of life and wellbeing. [Read the Impact Story below: Aleya’s Story]